hello, I'm John Seungjin Oh

this is my personal website and blog

Go to the "about me" page to view my socials & contacts, projects, resume, and other relevant information about me.

Go to the "blog" page to view my blog. I might write about philosophy, computer science, math, books, literature, education, and sometimes even my own opinions. Although the blog is pretty empty for now, I'm in the process of migrating some of my past writing. It will also get new content with some time.

This website was more or less created from scratch while I was learning Next.js and Tailwind CSS; here is the Github repo. The website's main logo was produced by DALL-E 3 during an unsuccesful attempt to replicate the distinct feel of Rothko paintings. Then, I used Adobe Illustrator to make a favicon version of the logo.

Lastly, here is a picture of my cat, to make the minimalist design slightly less obnoxious:

Cutest cat in the world

What a distinguished gentleman.